Sweet, Savory Snacks
WRMS Falcon Press snack sale
On February 10th the WRMS Falcon Press staff held a snack sale during lunch to raise money for a special feature in the 2022-2023 WRMS yearbook. The Falcon Press staff raised almost $600 for the new feature.

Ace VanFossen, an 8th grader at WRMS went to the snack sale. VanFossen said his favorite part about the sale was the snacks because there was a wide variety. VanFossen bought a lot of snacks, “I bought the snacks so I could give them out to people,” VanFossen said. Savannah Manrose (7) said that she liked the snack sale. “The prices were pretty worth it,” Manrose said about the sale.

Some of the Falcon Press staff worked in the sale for various different jobs. Kaydence Phillips, an 8th grader who worked at the sale says she liked working with her friends. Phillips said her favorite part about the sale was, “Hanging out with the people there and helping out.” The sale was popular and attracted a lot of people. “It was kinda stressful because kids just kept coming up,” Phillips said. The sale was definitely a success and raised a lot of money. If you want to see the new feature in the WRMS 2022-2023 yearbook, you will have to wait until yearbooks are distributed at the end of the year. If you want one, be sure to buy now by clicking HERE.