8th Grade TEAM DAY
March 22, 2023
On Thursday, March 9th, 8th graders Jarah Dodder & Jolie Workman from the Wave team play Black-light Bingo in Mrs. Rainey’s room during the rotations to celebrate the end of 3rd quarter. Caption by Shiah Simpson.
On March 9th in Mrs. Gonzalez’s classroom, Weston Deister gets mad about how his number did not get called and Mrs. Gonzalez calls to clear the boards. Caption by Kaydence Phillips.
On Thursday March 9th, 8th graders Carter Stilwell & Harrison Snethen play a game of chess in Mrs. Harshbarger’s room during the WAVE Teams end of quarter party.
On Thursday March 9th, 8th grade Champion Luke Wright poses for a picture in Mrs. Vopat’s room, while he works in the arts and crafts class for Team Day. The Champions team rotated through fun stations throughout the day to celebrate the end of the 3rd quarter. Caption by Tyler Tangye & Dae’veon Campbell.
8th graders Julia Deister and Greer Callaghan wait for Mrs.Gonzalez to call the bingo number on Thursday March 9, for Champions team day. Zadie Osborn & Avery Jepson.
Jolie Workman (8) and Aubrey Shandler (8) dance and sing to Karaoke on Thursday March 9th in Mrs .Murphy’s room. The Wave team celebrated the end of the 3rd quarter by doing whatever activities they wanted in Advisory. Caption by Gracie Hayes.
On Thursday March 9th, Brennan Dalrymple and Braylon Doleman pose for a photo in Mr. Buche’s room right before they go do the H.E.A.T team stations celebrating the end of the third quarter. Caption by Brylie Pollet.
On Thursday March 9th, 8th grader, Julia Katzer shoots a rubber band at the camera as Mr. Johnston’s class cleans out their binders, lockers, and folders for the end of the quarter. Caption by Janna Marquis.
Thursday March 9th, Mr. Wernimont hands 8th grade student, Bryson Fehr, a gift card after winning the team raffle. For the raffle, students had to take all their Heat cash and write their name on it and put it in the prize box that they wanted. Caption by Kayla McKinsey.
On Thursday March 9th, Ms. Hundley’s Advisory pose for a photo for winning the March H.E.A.T. Treat at the end of the 3rd quarter. Caption by Jacob Eilert & Reagan Tibbetts .
On Thursday March 9, SWAT students Abre Hill & Addison McPike participate in a team activity called “Airplane Crash.” The activity involved coming up with 12 things you would bring with you if your plane crashed and you were stuck on a island. Caption by Audrina Bruno.
On Thursday, March 9th, Abigail Wannamaker, Cole Spitler, Tucker Strathman, Brian Rodecap, & Faustina Hoang huddle in Mrs. Wiles’s room to decide what they would take if they were stranded on an island. This activity was part of SWAT Team day. Caption by Abre Hill.
Check out this gallery of 8th grade End-of-Quarter team activities!