8th grade memories

Check out for some 8th-grade activities/memories!!

  • On March 9th, 8th grade Champion students Gray Arnold, Chase Klausman, Giovanni Richard-Garcia, & Conley George play a game of Apples to Apples during 8th grade team day. Richard-Garcia said “Whenever we go outside” and the teachers were some of his favorite parts of being on the Champions team.

  • On April 19th Miles Cavitte (8) considers which food to buy from from the El Salvador group during the food trucks competition hosted by Spanish teacher Mrs. Terrell.

  • April 19th, 8th grade special education teacher Mr. Weese competes in a Minute to Win It game. Weese said “My favorite part of Minute to Win it, would have to be competing against a student! I am very competitive person and I truly enjoyed going up against a student from the HEAT team.”

  • On April 11th, 8th graders gather around while eating their Kona Ice during FAST, which was made possible by Spanish teacher Mrs. Terrell.

  • On January 27th, Caleb Menke (8) throws a dodgeball to the opposing team while the other teams watch, for the dodgeball tournament made possible by WRMS with Mrs. Dowell in charge.

  • On May 5th, 8th grade students from Mr. Buche’s advisory gather for a picture after winning the final HEAT treat which involved playing multiple rounds of tug of war. Laney Holloway knew her team wouldn’t win. “We don’t cooperate together,” Holloway said.

  • On August 26th 2022, 8th grade science classes come together outside to make slime in small groups.

  • On January 17th, WRMS HEAT team does the fatal vision goggles in SFA. Airre Stovall (8) says, “Probably the goggles where you have to like ride on the scooter around the cones”, is her favorite memory.

  • September 12th 2022, WRMS HEAT team does their first day of the 8th grade challenge course, Kenzie Khampouy says, “going outside and getting out of the classroom”, when asked what she liked about the challenge course.

  • On December 14th 2022, 8th grade WAVE team goes to the Natural History Museum in Lawrence Kansas , “We got to see natural things and see how Kansas was made” Sapphira Siwila said when asked if she liked the trip.

  • On December 15th, 2022, the WRMS 8th grade SWAT team pose for a photo with Chiefs mascot “KC Wolf” when he came to WRMS for a presentation.

  • On January 27th, 8th grade students, Anah St. John, Auggie Elliot, Katherine Mcpherson, & Ava Mace, build their rover in science for the rover project. The project included seeing if the rover would roll and then filling it with a water balloon and dropping it off the roof.

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