On Tuesday, Sept 19th, 7th grader Cooper Strathman, and his classmates participate in a candle lab in All Star science teacher Mrs. Campbell’s 3rd hour in room C2.
On Saturday September 16th, the 8th grade A Volleyball team shows off their spirit at the B team game in the gym. They made cut-outs of the B team’s faces to encourage them during the game.
On September 8th, Payton Lister, 8th grade band student, stands and blocks the sun with her color guard flag before the pregame show at Brown-Glaze stadium starts.
On September 7th, at Bowen-Glaze Stadium, 8th grade football player Lucas Clark, switches out positions during an 8th grade football game against Junction City.
On September 21st, 8th grader, Dominic Vargas, attempts balancing on two wires to get to the next obstacle, at the WRMS challenge course. Dominic slanted his hands at an angle to get better balance, and to take his next step.
On Monday, September 25th, 8th grade volleyball player, Makenna Lee, serves the ball at a volleyball match, at Washburn Rural Middle School. The team won every game they played.
On Septmeber 14, 2023, 7th grade football player, Connor Acton, walks up to get the football, during 3rd quarter, as everybody is cheering.
On Thursday 9/18, Henry May watches their team as they try to score a touchdown at the 7th grade scrimmage at Bowen-Glaze Stadium.
On September 5th, at Washburn Rural Middle School, Gentry Coons (8) jumps out of the way, to let the ball go out of bounds, and allows her team to score a point. The Falcons ended up winning the match 2-1. Coons says her favorite part of volleyball is, “Getting to have a relationship with your team and learning about what happens in their life, because of a sport”.
On September 6th, in Munz’s art class, Serriana Carrasco makes a line contour sculpture, by using wires and pliers for her art project.
On August 31st at the WRHS football field, Coach Willis encourages one of his 7th grade B team football players on the sidelines at the Shawnee Heights game. Story by: Jonathan Remigio.
On September 8th, Aubrie Llamas was performing as a color guard member attended a band pregame at the highschool field. The 8th grade band was playing and performing along with the high school.
On Tuesday, September 12th at the WRHS tennis courts, 8th grader Liz Halstead hits the ball back to her opponent during the meet against Seaman.
Check out these photos from the first quarter at WRMS!