Have you heard the news? To begin the 2025-2026 school year, Washburn Rural Middle School is being split into two schools and 6th grade is being added to the two schools. Jay Shideler, Auburn, and Pauline South will be going to WRMS, and Farley, Wanamaker, and Indian Hills will be going to the new school on the northeast corner of 29th and Auburn Road.
One of the reasons a second building is going up is that WRMS is running out of room., Mr. Chesmore, 7th grade principal, said, “WRMS is the largest 7th/8th grade middle school in the state. Building the new middle school allows us to reduce numbers at both middle schools. Adding 6th grade to the middle school frees up space in all of our elementary buildings providing them capacity relief as well.” According to Chesmore, there are still many decisions to be made about how each school will be run, “Administrative teams once determined will work in conjunction to discuss operating procedures. Teaming will continue to be a priority and centerpiece of the middle school experience in the Auburn-Washburn district.”

Some teachers are concerned about bringing the 6th graders to the middle school. Mr. Dillon, an 8th grade Champions teacher said, “My biggest concern is having the 7th graders and the 8th graders in the same hallway.” which is a mutual feeling among another teacher in the building, 7th grade All Stars teacher Ms. Speagle. Ms. Colwell, 8th grade Champion teacher says, “I definitely think we’ll see a shift in dynamic because now seventh grade isn’t the new grade.”
Another issue to be addressed is which teachers will teach at which school. 7th grade All Stars teacher, Mr. Heinritz, and Speagle shared similar concerns in keeping the All Star team together. Speagle said, “If given the opportunity to stay together, but we have to go to the new school, I would gladly agree to keep teaching with my team.” However, Colwell shares an opposing opinion, “I’m open. I’ll teach wherever. I mean the new school is closer to me so that would be fun but I’ll go wherever honestly.”
Lucy Stones, a current 5th grader at Farley Elementary School shared her opinion about what the change will mean for her and her friends as they enter middle school. “We will probably be more excited because it’s happening sooner, and we’ll get to do sports representing our school sooner than if we stayed in elementary school longer,” Stones shared.
On November 1st, the district posted the position of the principal at the new building. That hire is supposed to happen soon, and in the spring, the mascot, school colors, and the name of the new school will be announced. The Falcon Press will keep you updated!