It depends on who you are asking, but many people are team doors and some are wheels. Not which is better, but which there are more of in the world. This topic has been around for almost a year. Believe it or not, people are fighting about whether they think there are more wheels or doors. It started last March when Twitter user @NewYorkNixon decided to make a tweet asking if people thought there were more wheels or doors. Wheels won by 56.6 percent.

(Bryce Adolph)
Those who believe there are more wheels in the world are considering the amount of cars and toys with wheels. Others with opposing views think there are more doors because hotels and houses are filled with them. Addi Still, an 8th grader, believes there are more wheels. “I think there are more wheels in the world because there are way more things that have them, like cars, shopping carts, and toys.” Although that may be true, there are lots of places that have many doors, for example: hotels, car doors, apartments, houses, etc.

(Bryce Adolph)
Another thing people in favor of doors consider is that cabinets, lockers, or even anything with a hinge, should be allowed to pass as a door. Mrs. Deters, 8th grade SFA teacher, says “Anything with hinges should be a door.” It’s estimated that there are about 42 billion doors and only 38 billion wheels in the world.