As the school year comes to an end, the administration is occupied preparing for next year. The new middle school is almost complete, and the school district is working to determine jobs for staff. Recently, Dr. Stoltenberg (head principal) announced that he will be moving to the new middle school, leaving an opening at Washburn Rural Middle School. A new face is about to be the new principal next year at WRMS. After the recruiting process to search for a new principal was completed, the district hired Mike Haire to be the new head principal at WRMS. Haire has been an administrator for 16 years now, all three of his sons were WRMS Falcons. Haire has high expectations for students at WRMS. “I will expect students to prepare themselves to give it all they have to reach their fullest potential and dreams. I expect students to learn perseverance and stamina to reach that potential and use it to carry them into high school,” said Haire. “I also expect them to trust adults and respect that they are there to coach and walk side by side with each and every student.” Haire said. Haire hopes students won’t let fear hold them back. “Beyond that fear is an amazing life,” said Haire.
News about which assistant principals are staying at WRMS and going to the new middle school have been announced as well. Charlie Chesmore (current 7th grade principal) will join Dr. Charlie Stoltenberg at the new middle school. Brandon Dial (current 8th-grade principal) is staying at WRMS.
The process of finding a new principal included many steps. The first was to evaluate all 12 of the applications that came in. 12 candidates completed the application process, ranging from people with zero experience to administrators. Next, a committee conducted interviews. Our new principal was chosen based on his previous experience and the work he’s done in the years before as a principal. Superintendent of Auburn Washburn, Dr. Scott McWilliams, said Haire was recommended by plenty of administrators because he had exactly what our staff was looking for. “Someone with communication skills, a relationship builder, was visible and accessible, a good problem solver, and could provide ethical leadership,“ said Dr. McWilliams.
Students at WRMS explained their opinions on the current head principal leaving to go to the new school building. 8th grader, Janiah Johnson shared her thoughts on the current head principal leaving and she said “I am very happy that the principal has an opportunity to experience new things and new goals,” said Johnson. “I know he will be missed a lot and he was a great principal.” 7th grader, Reagan Whisenhunt is unsure about the rules the new head principal will have. “I feel like the rules will change a lot, like the dress code rule,” said Whisenhunt. “ I also feel like he might be more strict because his other school probably had different rules and it’s a new school so he will have to act more strict and not as carefree,” said Whisenhunt. For more information about the new middle school, check out THIS STORY.