Check out these photos of WRMS students during 4th quarter!
On Thursday, May 2nd, the 2nd hour newspaper staff celebrates publication day with snacks in the pressroom.
8th graders Liz Halstead, Halle Merrick, and Alayna Bivens try to get Oreos in their mouths during 1st hour on Wednesday, March 20th. The yearbook class celebrated finishing the yearbook with a “We Did It Week” where students planned fun class activities.
On April 24th the 8th grade WAVE science class went out to prepare for community day after school.
The 7th grade Scholar’s Bowl team, Prajeet Akula, John Conard, Akul Chamesh, Braxton Bohnstedt, Ethan Lake, and Nikita He pose for a photo after winning 2nd place at the WRMS Scholar’s Bowl Tournament on Wednesday, April 10th.
8th grade Scholar’s Bowl team members Charlie Stones, Easton Holthaus, Thomas Appuhn, Emma Smith & Manaswini Koduru pause for a photo between rounds at the WRMS tournament on Wednesday, April 10th. The team took 3rd place and competed against Junction City, Seaman, and Emporia, who took 1st.
On April 24th in the WRMS library 7th grader Brynn Anderson and Brooklyn Watkins was trying to have a conversation Kiswahili after the presentation.
During 3rd hour on April 24th, the 7th grade All Stars science class shoots plastic bottles into the sky for their lab they are working on.