8th grader Anna Fowler and her team “Dodging Divas” watch the clock to know when they can start playing in Gym B. Fowler said, “I think we are going to do amazing, really well.”
On May 17th the Party Ponies meditate before there dodgeball match at WRMS. Team member Creighton Frisby said, “It was a ritual that we did last year and it helped so we tried it again, We just focus on trying to win.”
On May 17th, 8th grader Drake Yeager and his team “Party Ponies” run to get the balls against “Dodging Divas” at WRMS for the match. “Our strategy is just to throw it as hard as we can,” Yeager said.
On May 17th, 8th grader Jack Lauer stands waiting for the ball to come to him, so he can throw it at WRMS for the championship “I feel like we are going to make it to the championship, every other team is our rival” Lauer said.
On May 17th 8th grader, Creighton Frisby waits for a perfect time to throw the ball at WRMS to make it to the championship in Gym B. “I don’t think we are going to win, but we are going to try,” Frisby said.
7th grader Jace Jackson sits with his team “WERC Winners” in Gym A as Coach C explains the rules of the dodgeball tournament. Jackson and his team created a strategy. “Try our best to win and get the other teams out,” Jackson said.
During the dodgeball tournament on May 17th in Gym A, 7th grader Adrian Vargas gets ready to throw a ball at his opposing team to get them out. “I decided to do dodgeball because I’ve always liked dodgeball,” Vargas said.
On May 17th, 8th grader Brody Miller on “The Bug Thugs” prepares to throw a dodgeball to eliminate a player on the other team in Gym A. Miller said, “I’m looking forward to dooming a kid in the head because it will be funny.”
7th Grader Dustin Haverkamp on team “Big Boys” steps forward in an attempt to throw a ball at an opposing player. Havercamp and his teammates came up with a way to pick a team name. “We made a group and voted,” Havercamp said.
As an end-of-the year fundraiser, WRMS hosted its 2nd annual Dodgeball Tournament on Friday, May 17th. Players formed teams of 8, and had to pay $5 to participate which equals $40 total per team formed. The tournament was held in Gym A and supervised by volunteers.
Numerous participants signed up because they believed they would win the tournament. 8th grader, Jack Lauer, on team “Skiybiti Slicers,” said, “I decided to do it because we aren’t boring and we are going to win.” Another 8th grade player, Drake Yeager, was confident that his team was going to win. “I feel like my team will win this year,” said Yeager. His team, “Party Ponies,” won big last year, winning the 7th grade prize. 7th grader Dustin Havercamp on team “Big Boys” also hopes for a win. “I’m looking forward to beating everyone,” Havercamp said.
For the first time in WRMS dodgeball history, there is an all girls team that formed to play. 8th grader Anna Fowler and her friends were just going to watch the tournament, but instead created the team “Dodging Divas.” “This girl thought we were playing, so we decided to just play since she thought we were,” Fowler said. She believes that team “The Bug Thugs” are her biggest rival.
Gifted teacher, Mrs. Dowell, put in a lot of hard work to host it. “I love seeing the competitive nature of our students and I love seeing everyone (adults and students) having fun together,” Dowell said. The profits from the tournament will be used to support the students going to the National History Day competition in College Park, Maryland.