Waves of Fun

  • On April 3rd, Mrs. Casey aggressively pushes the water to make a wave to knock over the structures.

  • As the crowd excitedly watches, Mrs. Casey makes a wave and demolishes the shelter, on April 3rd.

  • On April 3rd, 8th graders Caleb Menke and Beckham Carr set up their shelters as they prepare for the tsunami to hit.

  • On April 3rd 2023, 8th graders Miles Cavitte and Mar’Cellus Robinson-Adams intensely shake a wave simulator to simulate an earthquake while a crowd watched from behind.

  • On April 3rd, Mr. Cuevas makes a silly face while watching the kids make tsunamis to simulate what it would be like to be on a beach that is bombarded with waves.

  • On April 3rd, Jim Morrison and Miles Cavitte excitedly watch the tsunamis wipe out all of the structures as it takes place on the side of Washburn Rural Middle School.

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