Day In the Life
Many people have different everyday lives. Below are 3 different perspectives of a 7th grader, an 8th grader, and a Staff member.

7th Grader Gentry Coons’s typical day in her life starts off with her morning routine where she gets up at around 6:20 am, gets breakfast, and goes back upstairs to start getting ready for school. Her everyday schedule in school starts with her 1st hour which is Reading Plus, 2nd hour Science, 3rd hour ELA, 4th hour Math, 5th hour Essentials (PE or Music), 6th hour Elective then to end the day off is 7th hour History and Advisory. But Coons has a particular part of her day that is her favorite “:”My favorite part of the day is probably Advisory which is Heinritz. He’s pretty chill, or track but during Volleyball season is definitely my favorite.”

8th Grader Garret Kolbaba’s day starts at night! He sets out his clothes the night before school so he is all ready in the morning. When Kolbaba wakes up he starts off his day by going to the bathroom, taking a shower, washing his face , brushing his teeth, and putting on deodorant. When Kolbaba is at school his schedule is 1st hour Math, 2nd hour Business Essentials, 3rd hour Choir, 4th hour Science , 5th hour ELA, 6th hour History, 7th hour SFA, and Advisory. Kolbaba’s favorite classes are Science and Business essentials. The best part of Kolbaba’s day is either lunch or passing time. After school, Kolbaba has a very good night time gym workout. Kolbaba says “I’ve been going to the gym recently and trying to workout daily.”

8th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Dial starts his day by getting to school between 6:55 and 7:00 AM. When he arrives, he checks email, and throughout the day, he walks the hallways monitoring student behavior, but Mr Dial’s job isn’t the same everyday. “This job is hard to have a daily routine because so many different aspects can disrupt my day without my control.” He tries eating lunch during 7th grade first lunch because admin is short during 8th grade lunches, so he has to be there. Dial likes having free time, “I am a busy body and always feel like I should be accomplishing something and taking advantage of this one resource that we will never get back, time. I’m striving to always improve, learn more, and find ways to grow, even in areas that I haven’t had much experience or knowledge.”